Exhibition Dates: 

Tuesday, Mar 03, 2020

The Art of Death exhibition stems from the Museum’s collaboration with the “The Art of Death Project” sponsored by the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities (ASH) Scholar’s Program of the MU Honor’s College and the Office of Undergraduate Research. This program enlists undergraduate scholars to aid in research exploring viewer reactions to death imagery in the arts. Like the ASH Scholars’ research, the Museum’s exhibition includes themes such as funerals, personifications of death, suicide, and martyrdom, among others. These themes are represented by various 2D mediums, in addition to antiquities associated with funerals and religious aspects of death. Student reactions to the artworks will be included.

In conjunction with the exhibition, the MU Office of Undergraduate Research and the Honors College sponsored undergraduate fellows to conduct research on viewer reaction to death in art. Their abstract and research results via video were presented at the annual Office of Undergraduate Research Forum: https://dl.mospace.umsystem.edu/mu/islandora/object/mu%3A423197