Museum of Art & Archaeology

5 Things to Know Before You Go

Planning your visit to the Museum of Art & Archaeology's newly renovated galleries? The new location gives students and the entire Columbia community a way to explore six continents and six millennia — all without leaving mid-Missouri through galleries which include permanent and rotating exhibits from ancient artifacts to contemporary art. 

Location & Hours            Group Visits

Museum doors

1. When and Where

  • 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday
  • noon to 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays

The museum in the east wing of Ellis Library (across from Memorial Union) on the ground floor. There are two outside entrances - one off of Lowry Mall, and an accessible entrance off of Hitt Street. 

Parking and driving

Metered parking is available nearby in the Hitt Street visitor lot and several other locations around campus. Hitt Street Garage is up the road and always free on weekends. 

Between 8:15 a.m. and 3:45 p.m., when school is in session, several sections of campus streets are closed — including the section of Hitt Street in front of the museum.

gallery map

2. Always Free

The Museum is open to the community and admission is always free. However, you might want to bring money for the Museum Store or the Art-o-mat art vending machine.

ancient coin

AV Aureus of Hadrian, Roman, 134-138 CE, Minted in Rome, Gold, Museum purchase (60.32)

3. Manners, Please

  • Please don’t touch the art or use flash photography. 
  • Food and drinks are not allowed inside the museum.
  • Feel free to bring your sketchbook (pencils only).
  • Please leave your back pack at home (but if you bring it, we will provide a complimentary storage locker for safe keeping)
lithograph by Constantine

Greg Constantine (Canadian, b. 1938), VINCENT ATTENDS "HOMAGE TO VAN GOGH" EXHIBIT AT MOMA, XXIV/XXV, 1982, Lithograph, Gift of Dr. Christopher A. Graf (85.241)

4. What You'll See

The museum’s exhibitions are wide-ranging and include both permanent and temporary exhibits. You’ll see objects spanning six continents and 60,000 years — from ancient works to contemporary art. 

Visit the MA&A calendar for the latest info on upcoming exhibits, special events, and classes, workshops and programs for kids.

Salvador Dali etching

Salvador Dali (Spanish, 1904–1984), The Eye of Surrealistic Time, from the series Memories of Surrealism, 1971, Etching and Lithograph, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Small (79.111.11)

5. Ways to Visit

Self-guided visits

Visit any time during our regular hours and browse at your own pace. 

Class visits

Contact the museum to schedule experiential learning opportunities for K-12 classes, University of Missouri classes or classes from other colleges and universities. 

Community group visits

The Museum offers guided tours of special exhibitions and permanent collection galleries for groups of 5 or more. Guided group tours must be scheduled in advance. 

ceramic omnibus

Robert F. Bussabarger (American, 1922-2013), OMNIBUS, ca. early 1980s, Ceramic, Gift in memory of the artist Robert F. Bussabarger from his family (2014.177)