This spring the Museum of Art & Archaeology’s Art of the Book Club is reading Stealing Rembrandts: The Untold Stories of Notorious Art Heists by Anthony M. Amore and Tom Mashberg.
Four sessions are planned in partnership with Osher Lifelong Learning Institute’s Osher@Mizzou, and will be offered in hybrid form, with in-person meetings as well as virtual options. Three of the meetings will take place at the Moss Building, 1905 Hillcrest Drive. The May 1 class will be held in the museum’s Gallery of European and American Art.
Visit www.osher.missouri.edu to register.
Wednesday, April 10, 10-11:30 a.m.
An overview of Rembrandt’s life followed by discussion led by museum docent Valerie Hammons. Hybrid session.
Wednesday, April 17, 10-11:30 a.m.
Watch and discuss the documentary “The Real Rembrandt.” This session will be led by Christiane Quinn, founder of the Art of the Book Club. Hybrid session.
Wednesday, April 24, 10-11:30 a.m.
An overview of the “Age of Rembrandt,” and conversation about the film “My Rembrandt,” led by museum docent Barb Montgomery. Hybrid session.
Wednesday, May 1, 10-11:30 a.m.
The MA&A’s Curator of European & American Art, Rima Girnius, PhD, will lead this tour of the focus exhibition Expressive Lines: Rembrandt as a Printmaker while introducing details about Rembrandt’s experimental approach to printmaking. This session is in-person at the museum.
The Museum of Art & Archaeology’s (MA&A) Art of the Book Club started in 2015 as an effort to spark conversations about art and museums through books and film. Meetings are held semesterly. Titles are selected with the MA&A’s permanent collections, special exhibitions, or current events in mind. For more information or to suggest a book, contact Julie Chatman, Museum Educator, at jchatman@missouri.edu or 573-882-5076.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is a University of Missouri Extension program. For more information: www.osher.missouri.edu, Osher@mizzou.edu, or 573-882-8189.
The frame pictured is from the museum’s permanent collection.