This spring the Museum of Art & Archaeology’s Art of the Book Club is reading The Glassblower of Murano by Marina Fiorato. The book tells the stories of the life of a woman working as a glassblower in present-day London and that of a maestro glassblower living on the Venetian Island of Murano in the seventeenth century. The narratives will be explored in four classes and a guided tour of the From Earth to Artist: Glass exhibition at the MA&A.
The class, titled “Glassmaking: An Ancient Invention with a Modern Flare,” is being offered jointly with Osher Lifelong Learning Institute’s Osher@Mizzou. Registration opens Feb. 18. Visit Osher to register.
Thursday, April 10
Glittering Glass: Luxury Wares of Antiquity
The discussion will explore the use of glass in antiquity from its beginnings, when it was seen as a luxury product that imitated gemstones, through its growth into vessels of astounding complexity in the Roman Empire. The museum’s curator of antiquities, Benton Kidd, PhD, will lead the session. Hybrid session.
Thursday, April 17
Farah Nieuwenhuizen: Columbia Glass Artist
Columbia artist Farah Nieuwenhuizen will share examples of her glasswork and discuss the processes she uses as she creates. Christiane Quinn, founder of The Art of the Book Club. Hybrid session.
Thursday, April 24
Watch & Discuss the film Chihuly: Fire & Light
Watch the behind-the-scenes story of artist Dale Chihuly and his large-scale commission created for the de Young Museum in San Francisco. Experience the time and talent it took to install an exhibition across 11 galleries. A group discussion led by museum docent Valerie Hammons will follow the film. Hybrid session.
Thursday, May 1
Book Discussion: The Glassblower of Murano
Learn about Venice, especially the landmarks mentioned in Mariana Fiorato’s book. Glassblowing on the island of Murano in the 17th century and in present day will also be a focus of the session. Museum docent Barb Montgomery will moderate the group discussion. Hybrid session.
Saturday, May 3
Tour the museum’s exhibition From Earth to Artist: Glass and hear from the curator of antiquities, Benton Kidd, PhD, who organized it. This session is in-person at the Museum of Art and Archaeology on the MU campus.
When: 1 – 2:30 p.m. for the April 10th, 17th, 24th and May 1st classes; 2 p.m. for the May 3rd class
Where: in-person at the Moss Building, 1905 Hillcrest Drive, or online; the May 3rd class will be held in-person only, in the museum’s galleries in the lower east side of MU’s Ellis Library, on Hitt Street
Questions? Contact Julie Chatman, Museum Educator, at jchatman@missouri.edu or 573-882-5076.
The frame pictured is from the museum’s permanent collection. The Art of the Book Club is sponsored by MU’s Museum of Art & Archaeology.