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Guest Curator Greig Thompson, ed.

This exhibition catalogue features the ceramic and glass works created by Missouri-born ceramicist, Glenn Lukens. At a time when an emphasis on design and decoration dominated American pottery production, Glen Lukens cast aside tradition to explore the expressive potential of ceramic materials. In the first half of the twentieth century, Lukens pioneered a bold approach to pottery, producing simple, massive forms that married bright colors to raw surfaces. His innovations were a boon to the California dinnerware industry of the 1930s. He also worked with glass, paying special attention to the development of the vessels’ colors. An award-winning ceramicist and teacher, Glen Lukens helped change the way we see and interpret ceramics today. 40 pages, soft cover, 36 color plates.

Publication Details
 This exhibition catalogue features the ceramic and glass works created by Missouri-born ceramicist, Glenn Lukens. At a time when an emphasis on design and decoration dominated American pottery production, Glen Lukens cast aside tradition to explore the expressive potential of ceramic materials. In the first half of the twentieth century, Lukens pioneered a bold approach to pottery, producing simple, massive forms that married bright colors to raw surfaces. His innovations were a boon to the California dinn